There are two Bullseye Pistol leagues Held at the club weekly. One is held Tuesday mornings
the other is held on Thursday evenings. Shooters can shoot the traditional one handed or can
use two hands. Indoor shooting is at 50 feet. Outdoor is at 25 and 50 yards.
There is a Regional Match in July 7-9 2023 at Canton McKinley Rifle & Pistol Club. For Bullseye
shooting. Bullseye Shooters may also participate in the Triple Crown by shooting at Cardinal
shooting range in Columbus, Ohio July 3-5 2023 then Canton McKinley Rifle & Pistol Club
July7-9 2023 and finish at Camp Perry July 10-15 2023.
ORPA (The Ohio Rifle and Pistol Association) holds practices for the ORPA Junior Pistol Team on our
ranges. This is for shooters ages 13 thru 20. The ORPA juniors compete in national level pistol matches
against adult competitors.